Friday, March 14, 2008

Compositional Ephasis

So I almost forgot about this assignment and ended up taking the shots the day before they were due! I know so bad! It won't happen again! lol. My teacher gave us a list of composition elements to pick from and then had to submit seven for a grade. We had to use the same object or person in all the photos. Cadence and I had a great time finding places to put the flower. Here are the ones that I ended up with...

This first one is Selective Focus
Vertical vs Horizontal (Point of View)
Balance in color (cause I couldn't decide which I liked better)
Rule of Thirds


Anonymous said...
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Ryan said...

These are pretty cool. I like the texture, vertical v horizontal, framing, and rule of thirds. Not bad for doing it all last minute.

Also, I think you need to change your blog settings so that those who comment have to enter those crazy looking letters before they can post. That way you won't get those "spam-like" posts that are automatically generated by spammers (and oftentimes have viruses attached). I.e., like the one above. ;-)

Kennedy said...

Thanks Ryan! For the comments and the advice!

Tiffani said...

I like them all but especially the framed one. I would totally frame & hang that in my house!