This summer I am taking a Night Photography class and it has been a blast! I am a little behind in updating with my assignments since the class is going so quickly, but I thought I would show you what I have had to turn in so far. Our first Assignment was shooting correctly exposed Neon...I decided to play with my zoom a is what I got: (note: you need a locking cable release and a "B" or Bulb setting to do most of this stuff at night).
I had some camera shake from my weak tripod (you need a really sturdy one to be doing these longer exposures) and that is why the Always Open part looks wavy. The exposure was 1 second long and all I did was zoom my lens after releasing the shutter.
My next assignment was Traffic Trails...look these up on Google and you can get a really cool look at what you can get if you have the right angles and lots of patience. Here is what I got:
My exposure was somewhere close to 20 seconds...long enough to get the lights, but the car won't show up unless it stops for at least 5 seconds or more.
Next up was one of my favorites so far in class, Moonlight Landscapes. If they are properly exposed, the pictures should look just like sunlight. It is best to take these with a full moon or a Gibbous moon. We had a Gibbous since we couldn't get far enough away from Vegas to take them until the weekend (three days after the full moon). Wendhy and Ashleigh came with (my mom was kind enough to drive us). We drove out to Ivins Utah and didn't get back until 4am but we had a blast! Here is what I got:
This first one was a 16 minute exposure and the moon had just risen. You can see the lights from the town across the way and the neat part is the star trails in the sky!
This one was also a 16 minute exposure. I put a duotone layer over the original shot to make it look more like night.
This one was a 14 minute exposure and you can totally see how much light you can get from the moon...looks just like day huh? If it weren't for the star trails in the sky you wouldn't know it was taken at 3 am!
That's what I have so far! Stay tuned for some painting with light, and star trails! I am having so much fun!
1 comment:
16 minute exposure at 3:00am? That's crazy! But I really love those shots. I think the neon was my favorite.
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